@->->- The Many Faces of the Team Rocket Motto "We just have to say the motto -- our fans have come to expect it!" @->->- If you're visiting this site, it probably means that you love Team Rocket. (Uh, if you hate Team Rocket, I really don't know why you'd be wasting your time here. +P) And what's one of the things we Rocket fans love most? The Team Rocket Motto, of course! An episode of Pokemon just isn't complete until these three show up and recite their motto -- it's their trademark! Plus, it's just so damned cute! Now, Ash and the other twerps complain that Team Rocket always does the same thing over and over again, and they think the motto is stale and predictable. Like they have any room to talk -- Ash does the same freakin' thing in every episode! As somebody on my Rant pages pointed out, that animation sequence of Ash turning his cap and throwing his poke ball is so overused it's starting to get discolored! That, and he always has to say "[insert pokemon's name here], I choose you!" when he does it. He does the same dorky pose and catch-phrase over and over again whenever he gets a new pokemon or a new badge, too! (Sorry, folks! Once again, I just couldn't supress my uncontrollable urge to bash Ash! >D) At least Team Rocket changes up their motto on special occasions! And even when they don't, they're always doing something shippy, cute, funny, or interesting while they say it! Have you ever seen a recycled animation sequence of Jessie, James, and Meowth reciting their motto? I didn't think so! It's never the same thing twice, and it's always something to look forward to! The motto even has theraputic value! I'm not kidding -- reciting the Team Rocket motto has been proven to relieve migraine headaches and cure depression! (For me and my friends, at least. I guess the motto is good for what ails us because it makes us happy! ^_^) Nuff said. The motto rules! Note: Butch and Cassidy have their own version of the Team Rocket motto, which they've recited in "The Breeding Center Secret," "Pikachu Re-Volts," and "The Fortune Hunters," Clevon Shpielbunk ripped off the motto in "Lights, Camera, Quacktion!," and the brats have done ripped-off versions of the motto in "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion" and "The Chikorita Rescue" as well, but I'm not including any of them here. Why? Because those versions SUCK (almost as much as Butch, Cassidy, Clevon, and Ash themselves! >D) Those are just wannabe mottos, and all they do is make a mockery of the beautiful motto that our heroes recite. The wannabe mottos don't deserve to be compared to J, J & M's motto, so I'm not even gonna waste my time on them! The only versions of the Team Rocket motto you'll find here are those done by Jessie, James, and Meowth! The real McCoys! So without further ado, let's take a closer look at this wondrous verse and see it in some of its many different forms.... @->->- The Standard Motto This is the motto that our heroes normally recite. No frills, no nonsense, just the regular, tried-and-true motto. "Prepare for trouble!" "And make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation!" "To unite all peoples within our nation!" "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach to the stars above!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" @->->- The Japanese Motto and Translation This is the motto that Rocket-dan recites in the original Japanese. As you can see, it's a little different (but still essentially the same), and it's just as beautiful! There's nothing evil in this motto, and it proves that Musashi, Kojiro, and Nyasu are good characters who want to do the right thing. This motto even has a MAJOR shippy hint in it -- the word "futari" that Musashi uses means "couple," and it has a romantic connotation, which means that it's most commonly interpreted as "lovers" or "boyfriend & girlfriend!" Kojiro's final line also contains a beautiful message of hope...that no matter what happens, they're going to get a happy ending someday. What's not to love? ^_^ "Nanda kanda to kikare tara!" "Kota ete ageru ga yo no nasake!" "Sekai no hakai o fusegutame!" "Sekai no heiwa o mamorutame!" "Ai to shinjitsu no aku o tsuranuku!" "Lovey Charmey na kataki yaku!" "Musashi!" "Kojiro!" "Ginga o kakeru Roketto Dan no futari ni wa!" "White hole shiroi ashita ga matteru ze!" "Nya, Nya-n te na!" Translation "Listen to us about this and that!" "The answer we give will be the universe's sympathy!" "To prevent the universe's destruction!" "To protect the universe's peace!" "To bring love and honesty's evils to light!" "We are the lovely, charming villians!" "Musashi!" "Kojiro!" "The couple from the Rocket Gang soars through the galaxy!" "A white hole...a white tomorrow is waiting for us!" "That's right!" @->->- The Marco Polo Motto This is the motto that Jessie recited by herself (for the most part) when she was searching for James in "The Ghost of Maiden's Peak." It's pretty shippy when you think about it -- Jess didn't enjoy reciting the motto by herself. And when James showed up again, he and Jessie used their lines to find each other, kind of like a game of Marco Polo. It just goes to prove what a special experience reciting the motto is for our heroes and how it brings them together! ^_^ Jessie: "Prepare for trouble! *lowers her voice an octave* And make it double! (Doing this by myself is a real drag! -___-) To protect the world from devastation! *grabs a rose and lowers her voice again* To unite all peoples within our nation! To denounce the evils of truth and love...." James: *in a muffled voice* "To extend our reach to the stars above...." Jessie: *pauses for a moment* "Jessie?" O_o James: "James!" Jessie: *calls out to James* "Uh...Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light?!" James: "Surrender now...." *tumbles out of the Maiden's shrine and lands at Jessie's feet* "....or prepare to fight!" @_@ Jessie: "Oh! He looks awful!" O_O Meowth: "Worse den usual!" O_O @->->- The Salon Roquet Motto This is the motto that our heroes recited when they were running Salon Roquet in "Pokemon Fashion Flash." More proof that Jessie and James are the most beautiful and stylish characters on the show and that all they want to do is have fun! "To protect the world from boring fashion!" "To dress all people with flash and passion!" "To give all pokemon pretty faces!" "To extend our art to outer spaces!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Salon Roquet -- when it comes to chic, we know what's right!" "Surrender your tastes, or prepare to fight!" @->->- The "Team Rocket Forever" Song This one isn't really a motto at all -- this is the song our heroes sang in "The Song of Jigglypuff." Jessie and James also sang this when they came to Meowth's rescue in "Go West, Young Meowth." (This is the 4Kids translation, though. The real version, which is on my Songs page, is much longer and much more philosophical. But this version is really cute and funny anyway. ^_^) "You know us as Team Rocket, and we fight for what is wrong! We're tired of our motto, so we thought we'd try a song!" "Jessie!" "James!" "The speed of light! Prepare to fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" "I am the handsome one!" "I'm the gorgeous one!" "Looking good is lots of fun! We get some things wrong, but we keep rollin' along! We want to capture Pikachu, we hope to do it soon! And when we do, we'll be the new stars of this cartoon!" @->->- The Restaurant Motto This is the motto that Jessie and James recited when they were running a snack and souvenir stand at Indigo Stadium in "The Fourth Round Rumble." They made the realization that they're much more successful at selling stuff than they are at stealing stuff, and Meowth made a joke that they should quit Team Rocket and open a fast food joint...thus prompting this adorable verse! (And maybe this is just my imagination, but I think the way they say "Jessie's!" "James!" is kind of shippy! ^_~) "We can call it Jessie's!" "James!" "Want a burger and fries without trouble?" "If you're really hungry, make it double!" "To protect the world from hunger and thirst!" "Our food isn't bad, at least not the worst!" "The Team Rocket Restaurant! Blast in for a bite!" "We stay open all day! We stay open all night!" @->->- The Friendship Motto This is the motto that Jessie and James recited for Meowth at the end of "Meowth Rules!" when he learned that Jessie and James make him happy because they're his best friends. This is one of my all-time favorite eps, and one of my all-time favorite versions of the motto! Call me a sap, but it brought tears to my eyes when I heard it! This motto proves how much our heroes love each other and that they're not evil! Again, what's not to love?! ^_^a "I'm a friend who needs you, too!" "Make that double -- we both need you!" "You protect us both from desperation!" "You unite us all in jubilation!" "You help chase away our loneliness!" "You're a mess, but we love you nevertheless!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket's friendship never ends!" "So let's set sail on our ship of friends!" Isn't that beautiful? Don't ya just love it?! Well, here's a little bonus! This next part is the motto that Musashi and Kojiro recited in the fansubbed version of "Meowth Rules!" which means that it's a literal translation from Japanese. In the original version, it was about more than just Musashi and Kojiro being Nyasu's friends -- Nyasu was telling his worshippers that they couldn't rely on a god to bring them happiness...that they had to look within for answers. Nyasu's speech made the islanders question their religion and their way of life and made them wonder if there was "another way." (I guess 4Kids thought a western audience couldn't handle an episode of Pokemon that dealt with spirituality and the questioning of religion. XP) Anyway, here's what our heroes said in the original Japanese version. This motto was given to me by my friend, Melissa. "Prepare for the other way!" "Just listen to what we say!" "To bring joy and happiness to our friend!" "To keep him happy and joyful to the end!" "To make him feel he has someone to love!" "Make him feel as if he can reach the stars above!" "Musashi!" "Kojiro!" "Rocket-dan, friends day and night!" "For our friendship, we will fight!" @->->- The Motto of Jessie's Hair This is the motto that our heroes recited after poor Jessie got her hair chopped off by an evil Scyther in "Tracey Gets Bugged." After James comforted the devastated Jessie, she captured the Scyther and his swarm in retaliation. Hey, things get messy when ya mess with Jessie -- Team Rocket had to get revenge! Too bad those asshole twerps interfered and made things worse. What was so "evil" about TR minding their own business and catching wild pokemon anyway? Whoever is responsible for this crappy episode should be fired! >P *kicks Scyther, the brats, and the writer of TGB* "You messed with my hair, so prepare for trouble!" "It used to be there, but now it's stubble!" "To protect my head from humiliation!" *Jessie throws her poke ball and releases Arbok.* "Too bad her hair went on vacation!" *James throws his poke ball and releases Weezing.* "My beautiful hair was my one true love!" *Jessie throws her other poke ball and releases Lickitung.* "They went together like a hand and a glove!" *James throws his other poke ball and releases Victreebel...and gets a love-bite.* "Jessie!" "James!" "My hair may be short, but it won't be for long!" "And it won't stop our Jessie from doing what's wrong!" "Hairy!" @->->- The Heroic Motto This is the motto that Team Rocket recited in Revelation Lugia, when they came to Ash's rescue by transporting him across the sea of ice in their makeshift raft. Once again, this proves that they're not evil! I love this movie and this motto because it shows our heroes as they truly are -- HEROES!!!!! They risked their lives to protect the world from devastation...for no other reason than because it was the right thing to do! *_* "If this kid thinks we're here for trouble," "Then we're certainly going to burst his bubble!" "Instead of causing tribulation," "We've undergone a transformation!" "Although it's way outside our usual range," "We're going to do something nice for a change!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Up til now Team Rocket's been quite unscrupulous!" "Being good guys for once will be super-dupulous!" "Dat's right!" @->->- The Baseball Motto This has got to be, without a doubt, the SHIPPIEST motto of all time! Our heroes recited this one in "The Double Trouble Header," while they were trying to steal Pikachu and Casey's Chikorita. As you can see from the picture, this is an extremely romantic moment -- sunset is a classic symbol of romance, and I doubt they'd get so weepy and touchy-feely if this were just about winning a game of baseball. Once again, Jessie and James are using any excuse they can think of to hug and be affectionate...and Meowth couldn't be happier for 'em! ^_~ "Attention, twerps, it's Prepare for Trouble Day!" "But you're both out, which makes it a double play!" "To protect our team from devastation!" "To excite our side with a big ovation!" "To strike out the evils of truth and love!" "To extend our reach with a baseball glove!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket throws out fastballs at the speed of light!" *Jessie pitches the ball, and James catches it.* Meowth: "Strike three!" *James starts to cry and holds out his arms.* "We won, Jessie!" *Jessie starts to cry, too.* "James!" *Jessie rushes to James's arms, and they embrace as the background becomes a sunset.* James: "Oh, Jessie!" *Meowth watches from behind a tree and cries tears of joy.* "Dat's...right!" @->->- The Black Arachnid Motto This is the motto that our heroes recited in "Spinarak Attack," when they were emulating The Black Arachnid, a legendary cat-burglar. Team Rocket looked incredibly hot in those Black Arachnid outfits, and they were using their thieving skills in a heroic, Robin Hood-like manner, as this motto proves! "Check your eyes, and prepare for trouble!" "We've got the prize, so make it double!" "To protect the world from its own greed!" "To steal all the treasure that they don't need!" "To work every heist like there are none other!" "And split the spoils with one another!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Thieves return under cover of night!" "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" @->->- The Free Sample Motto This is the motto our heroes recited when they were stuffing themselves with free samples at the Goldenrod City Mall's food court in "A Goldenrod Opportunity." Team Rocket was so adorably cute in this ep! (Well, when AREN'T they adorably cute? ^_~) It was nice to see them actually get something to eat for a change, too. Those damn writers are so cruel, always making them go hungry -- it's about friggin' time TR got a free lunch! "Now you're in for a bunch of trouble!" "We're eating lunch, so make it double!" "To eat and drink to our hearts' content!" "Without even having to spend a single cent!" "To denounce the evils of paying for food!" "We won't leave a single sample unchewed!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket loves scarfing down free samples at the speed of light!" "Yes, and we like to eat even more than we like to fight!" "Ya got dat right!" @->->- The Hospital Motto This is the motto that Team Rocket recited in "Hassle in the Castle," where they stumbled upon a hospital hidden in the castle they were exploring and stopped to take a break. When the doctor and that mean little brat, Ash, came and hassled them, Jessie and James did this motto to tell the doctor what was ailing them. (Also, notice how when James says "complaining," it doesn't sound quite right? I don't think he had the heart to say what really did rhyme! ^_~) "We have no appointment, but we've been having some trouble!" "So prescribe us some ointment on the double!" "To protect us from all of that chafing and itching!" "It might finally stop all of Jessie's...complaining!" "To eradicate the evils of athletes' feet!" "Maybe I can get rid of my prickly heat!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket's been scratching at the speed of light!" "So give us some salve, or we'll never sleep tonight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" @->->- The Salon Roquet 2 Motto This is the motto that our heroes recited when they entered a pokemon beauty contest in "Beauty and the Breeder." Jessie and James concealed their identities with some super-sexy costumes so that they wouldn't get thrown out of the contest, but they still had to say their motto...sort of! Jessie, James, Meowth, and all of their pokemon looked and sounded super-dupulous when they did it, too! Nobody does things with more flair than our heroes! ^_^ (Why that bitch, Officer Jenny, that prick, Ash, and that super-king-kameiameia-bitch, Suzy, had to give them such a hard time is beyond me! Why can't Team Rocket ever catch a break...even when they're minding their own business and playing by the rules? Sheesh! >P) "Sorry we're late -- it takes awhile...." "....To give our pokemon flair and style!" *Weezing and Victreebel come onstage and strike poses.* "We hope our pokemon will amaze all of you!" *Jessie and James rise up on a platform and strike poses as well.* "We're giving each one a look that's brand new!" *Jessie combs Arbok's mohawk wig.* "We're creating a trend, and it's gonna be big!" *James styles Wobbuffet's Beatles wig.* "And this doesn't even look like a wig!" "We two aren't fakers!" "We're style-makers!" "We're cutting and curling at the speed of light!" "Put yourself in our hands, and we'll make you look right, right, right!" "Wobbu-ffet!" *Meowth appears in punk-rock make-up while his image flashes on a giant vid-screen* "Meowth, Meowth, Meowth!" *All of our heroes and their pokemon strike another super pose.* @->->- The Snubble Motto This is the motto that our heroes recited in "The Trouble With Snubble," when they learned that Madame Muchmoney was searching for her runaway Snubble. Once again, our heroes were starving and poor, so they decided to catch Snubble and return her to Madame Muchmoney for a reward. Too bad Ash had to be such an ash-hole again and ruin things for them. Team Rocket was only trying to help, and all they got from the twerps and that stupid rich lady was a complete screwing-over! X_x Oh, well. At least they got to say this cute motto. "Prepare to say good-bye to all of our trouble!" "Prepare to say hello to Snubble!" "To protect ourselves from being poor!" "When we get enough, we'll still get more!" "We'll capture Snubble and return it to its rich owner and get a big reward!" "Then there won't be anything we can't afford!" "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket likes blasting off at the speed of light!" "But catching that Snubble and getting that reward would be a delight!" "Meowth! Dat's right!" @->->- Dat's all for now, folks, but I'm sure we'll be treated to more wonderful variations of the motto as the series progresses. And when we are, you can be sure I'll post 'em here! ^_^ @->->- Back to the Main Page @->->- Music is "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward. @->->-