@->->- The Rants "We're official members of the Dennis Miller fan club!" @->->- WARNING: The following pages have a PG-13 rating because some of these rants contain strong language, and some of them deal with sensitive issues. Now that I've covered my rear and let ya know in advance, I'm hereby released from all liability. +P Welcome to the section of random rants and ramblings! I'm just sharing some of my opinions here because, I'll admit it -- I'm very opinionated, and I love to speak my mind! This is also an opportunity for you to say something. If you have something to rant about, feel free to send it to me. However, I have a few rules about rant submissions...okay, I have a LOT of rules about rant submissions. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the rejection of your rant. I'm not gonna post everything that gets sent to me (I do have limited time and disk space, after all), and I reserve the right to reject any submissions that I feel are inappropriate or edit inappropriate material from otherwise good rants. SO PLEASE READ AND OBEY ALL OF THESE RULES BEFORE YOU SEND YOUR RANT TO ME!!!!! Thank you. @->->- Listen up! The Soup Nazi of Rant Submissions has Something to Say! by Cori Okay, folks! Here's the rules! If ya can't follow, 'em, I'm not gonna post yer stuff! No anti-Rocketshippy rants. (You can't call yourself a Rocketshipper unless you truly love J & J and believe that they either are or will be lovers...and if you're not a Rocketshipper, then, quite frankly, I don't know why you're even here!) No rants about James being gay or bisexual. (This counts as anti-shippy, but I have a particular aversion to these things. Sorry, folks but anybody who thinks James is gay or bi has no right to call him/herself a Rocketshipper -- it's disgraceful, and what's more, it's an insult to real Rocketshippers! >P And for the millionth time -- JAMES IS COMPLETELY, 100% HETEROSEXUAL!!!!! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with a heterosexual man being emotional and sensitive! In fact, it's damn sexy, and I wish more men would follow his cue!) No rants that are anti-Jessie, anti-James, anti-Meowth, or that bash J & J's pokemon. (This site is all about why these are the greatest characters on Pokemon...and the greatest characters in all of Anime! I don't want ANYBODY on this site insulting them in any way, shape, or form!) No rants that bash characters I like or defend characters I hate. (Sorry, folks, but this is NOT an open forum! This is more like a newspaper's op/ed page, and like most newspaper op/ed pages, I'm not going to post stuff that conflicts with my beliefs! So if you want to see your rant here, be nice to Gary, Giovanni, Jirarudan, Mewtwo, etc., and don't waste my time defending Jessiebelle, Tracey, Ash, Butch & Cassidy, etc.) Limit the twerp/other evil character-bashing rants to making fun of them or pointing out logical reasons why they deserve to be bashed. (Just saying that a character sucks, insulting them, cursing them out, ranting about why they deserve to die, etc. is unacceptable. Give intelligent reasons why the character is so vile and detestable...and don't get too mean-spirited about it! Kids' WB, Nintendo Power, and the like already have a low opinion of Team Rocket fans -- if somebody gets too mean in their twerp-bashing, it makes us ALL look bad, and it further convinces them that they're right to hate us! So, let's set a good example, folks! When it comes to twerp-bashing, I want a clean fight!) No personal insults against other webrunners, authors, or artists. (It's okay to express dislike for a particular website, fanfic, drawing, etc., but keep the criticism about the work itself. Flaming somebody because you don't like their material is just stupid. If you don't agree with somebody or if you have to sound off about something mean that somebody did to you, keep it civil and intelligent, or keep it to yourself! I'm not going to let these pages become an online version of the Jerry Springer Show! O_o) No rants that contradict or attempt to refute something that I've ranted about. (Since this site is MY own personal space of the web, my word here is law. I only post material that's in accord with my beliefs and philosophies, and I don't appreciate it when people try to argue with me or convince me that I'm wrong to think the way I do. I'm not forcing anybody to read my rants, and I don't give a damn whether anybody agrees with me or not. All I'm asking is that if you don't agree with my opinions, then keep it to yourself and leave me the hell alone. I don't go out and hassle people that I don't agree with -- I expect the same courtesy in return.) No rants about who the Pokemon characters might be related to. (I truly hate these things, and I don't agree with most of them! However, if a rant offers ACTUAL, CONCRETE proof that characters are or aren't related, it's okay because there's nothing wrong with facts. But if it's just speculation or superficial reasons, I'm not even going to bother with it -- they're just stupid! >P) No rumors. (I also hate rumors because most of the time, they're just a bunch of crap. Don't send me anything if it's just a rumor you've heard -- give me facts, and give me the proof you have to back them up! This site may not always give the most "up to date" Pokemon info, but it's always accurate and truthful to the best of my knowledge. I don't start or spread rumors, and I won't allow my site to be a vehicle for such nonsense either.) No spoilers for upcoming episodes, movies, etc. (Spoilers don't bother me as much as rumors do since they're usually factual, but I still don't like them. Unless it's something incredibly super-dupulous that any Rocketshipper would love to know about in advance, I prefer to be "surprised" when I watch a new episode of Pokemon. I like to view things without any preconceived notions so that I can look at the events from an objective point of view and make the information that I subsequently post that much more accurate. Besides, sometimes spoilers can be misleading, or the person who gives me the info interprets it in a different way than I would. For this reason, I don't post information on characters, episodes, etc. unless I've seen it for myself.) No rants about religious, political, etc. topics! (Religion and politics aren't what this page is about! Rants about controversial topics like these are going to alienate people because everybody has different religious beliefs, political affiliations, etc. Our love for Team Rocket is a common bond we share, no matter what religious beliefs we subscribe to, language we speak, country we're from, political party we follow, etc. Like James so eloquently says -- "To unite all peoples within our nation!" So, let's not argue about stuff like that while we're here! Okay? Thanx! ^_^) There. Those are the rules. Obey them, or else! Everybody is entitled to their opinions, and everybody has the right to express them, but I have the right to creative control of this web site, and everybody who wants their material posted here has the responsibility to follow the rules that I've established. If you have something to say, and it conflicts with any of my rules, then take it somewhere else, or make your own site. These rules are also subject to change without prior notice. I'm always finding loopholes to close and establishing clearer guidelines, so please reread this page periodically. Also, these policies become retroactive when I change them, which means that if a rant I posted earlier no longer complies with the new rules, it's going to get taken down. @->->- Now that we've got that cleared up, enter the rant pages...if you dare.... Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Back to the Main Page @->->- Music is a "Sweet Dreams" cover by Marilyn Manson. @->->-