Hello, and welcome to A White Today, and a White Tomorrow! This site is my tribute to Team Rocket -- the REAL stars (and heroes) of Pokemon! When I first started this site, it was nothing more than a small shrine devoted to Rocketshipping. But before long, it grew and evolved into a site that was not only about Rocketshipping, but Team Rocket in general as well. And now, my site has evolved again! Worry not -- it's still all about why Jessie, James, Meowth, and their pokemon are the greatest, and why Jessie & James are the best couple ever, but the focus has shifted somewhat. I've streamlined and modified the content so that I can concentrate more on my stories, and so that I can accentuate the schism between my story arc and the Pokemon anime. Yes, you've read correctly -- series canon is out the window for me! From now on, my stories are going to follow my own timeline, and the events that transpire on the show aren't necessarily going to apply anymore. What caused me to make this decision? Just take a look at what always happens on the show -- J, J & M and their pokemon never catch a break, the twerps are getting more stupid and sadistic with every passing ep, the plotlines are getting increasingly repetitive, inane, and mean-spirited towards TR, and there doesn't seem to be the slightest hint of relief anywhere on the horizon! In fact, it just looks like things on the show are gonna be going steadily downhill for our beloved Team Rocket! And if (in the highly unlikely event...which seems to be getting more and more unlikely every day) the writers ever do decide to throw us a bone and give J, J & M a happy ending when the anime ends, it won't be enough to make up for all of the bullshit that TR (not to mention we, the fans) have had to endure over the course of the series! And ya just know that the writers' idea of a "happy ending" would be something lame like having our heroes be friends with Ash and the other twerps (pardon me while I puke). And if we're really really lucky, we might get some kind of lukewarm confirmation that all of the sexual tension and shippy hinting that's been going on since day one are, indeed, proof that J & J are in love. Sorry, folks, but if that's all TR is gonna get as a reward for all their years of needless suffering and torment, then I'll give it a miss. >P I know that sounds pessimistic, but it's the truth. I may be the most hard-core TR fan and Rocketshipper in existence, but I'm also a realist. I can't speak for anybody else, but I, for one, have put up with the alienation, disrespect, and cruelty for far too long -- I'm sick of hoping that things will turn out well for our heroes, only to have the rug pulled out from under me time and time again. The writers can't give us such sweet, cute, funny, all-around appealing characters like Jessie, James & Meowth and expect us to think it's entertaining when they're brutalized and screwed-over in practically every friggin' episode -- that's just wrong! >_< And I'm sorry, but the vague, hollow promise that "it'll all work out someday" does NOT justify even a fraction of the shit that happens to our heroes! I refuse to accept anymore of the scriptwriters' abuse of Team Rocket -- it's not worth it...especially when it doesn't seem like anything is ever gonna happen to make it worth my while! (Not that the writers could make it worth my while at this point -- they've crossed the line so many times that nothing short of doing a complete 180 with their scripts and making it so that the twerps always get screwed-over and TR always wins would be a satisfactory resolution...and we all know that's never gonna happen!) Thus the reason my stories are shifting away from canon. I love Jessie, James, Meowth, and their pokemon so much that I feel like I need to intervene and put an end to all of the cruelty that they're subjected to (even if it's only through my writing). I gave it my best shot to stick with the Pokemon arc for as long as I could without going completely insane, but it just didn't work. I tried to take all the abuse of TR in stride and remind myself that "it'll all work out someday," but I've been pushed so far past my limit it's not even funny. And if ya take a look at the episode guides on any Pokemon site and see some of the ungodly stuff that's happening to our heroes, you'll see why I'm so pissed at the show! The blast-offs, the starvation, the insults, the character-rape, the unnecessary violence used against them, being exploited and harassed by evil Rockets, being left in utter misery (or life-and-death situations) with no resolution whatsoever in the closing scenes of most episodes, never being allowed to catch new pokemon, having pokemon stolen from them left and right -- this shit's been old since the first season, and it keeps getting exponentially worse with every passing season! It's obscene! A crime against nature! J, J & M have put up with it WAY above and beyond the call of duty, and so have I! If the writers can't do anything at least halfway decent for our heroes and insist on giving us nothing but shallow, formulaic, out of character bullshit, then screw them! They can stick their canon where the sun don't shine, because I'm through with it! Let me just explain something. When I write my stories, I'm pulling out all the stops to make our heroes happy, to portray them as the sweet, loving, and intelligent characters that we fans know they are, to move past all of the shippy hinting and get down to the nitty-gritty of Jessie & James's romantic relationship, and most importantly of all, to flesh out their characters, fill in their backgrounds, and show how they all develop and grow over time. Meanwhile, the scriptwriters' purpose has degenerated into little more than a lame excuse to torture these wonderful characters in the most brutal and sickening ways imaginable, and to completely ignore the character development they've shown (or sometimes write them completely out of character) in order to make their sloppy, half-assed, pro-twerp plots "work." (And 4Kids just twists the knife by dubbing in lots of insults to TR and anti-shippy dialogue that aren't present in the original Japanese scripts. >P) The "pros" are treating the show more like a series of 30-minute toy and video game commercials than a serious anime with a cohesive story arc and ever-developing characters. They probably think the only people who are watching the show are little kids who only care about Ash and Pikachu and don't notice the glaring plot-holes, inconsistent characterizations, and general sub-par writing...and that's beyond ignorant, not to mention an insult to our intelligence! I shouldn't be expected to acknowledge the shallow, mean-spirited garbage that the writers and dubbers are giving us as valid when I'm trying to write positive, meaningful stories about the characters -- it's completely counterproductive! So, as far as I'm concerned, the events that take place in my stories and my timeline are what's REALLY going on, and the Pokemon anime is just some bizarro alternate universe where the things that happen aren't actually real. (Let's face it -- a story written by somebody who loves the characters and puts a lot of work and meaningful thought into who they are, where they're from, where they're heading, etc., for no other reason than because they love the characters is more believable than some nonsensical piece of drivel that was slapped together by somebody who doesn't really understand or care about the characters and just wants to meet a deadline and collect a paycheck.) What can I say? I love Team Rocket, but I hate Pokemon! I've completely lost faith in the show, but I'll never lose faith in Jessie, James, and Meowth (or my belief in Rocketshipping)! I have no choice but to simply ignore the terrible things that happen to them on the show and devote my time to telling the TRUE Team Rocket story...a story that completely counteracts all of the atrocities they're subjected to. Speaking of which, my site is also about pulling out all the stops to counteract the cruelty with which TR is treated by the media and in fandom. J, J & M can't be considered evil by any stretch of the imagination, and their characters have more inner- and outer-beauty than anybody else on Pokemon, and yet, they're invariably the ones who receive the most abuse, both on and off the show! The American media and merchandisers completely overlook Team Rocket and rarely offer anything to the people who love them, and as if that weren't bad enough, they also perpetuate the lies that these wonderful characters are dumb, evil, inept, etc. >P (Though, on the bright side, I guess that just makes it easier for us TR fans to boycott Pokemon merchandise! Bwa, ha, ha!) And sadly, this mistreatment of Team Rocket is even rampant among many of their so-called fans! I'll never understand how people can claim to like TR or be Rocketshippers, yet think that Jessie is a shallow, heartless bitch or a slut, that James is dumb, weak, cowardly, whiny, or even *gag* gay, that hate Meowth, that hate Jessie & James's pokemon, that support anti-Rocketshippy pairings, etc. That just seems wrong to me...a self-contradiction. And don't even get me started on how many "fanfics" there are where these characters die, get raped, are tortured, etc. It's scary! I don't understand how people can enjoy writing fics where they hurt the characters that they like, just for the sake of hurting them. And I don't think I wanna understand it. It just creeps me out. Big time. *shudder* Needless to say, you won't find any TR-bashing or anti-Rocketshippiness on MY site. Not now, not ever. J, J & M deserve so much better than the show, the media, and the like have ever given them, so I've made this site to give them the happiness, love, respect, and success that they so richly deserve. The only thing you'll find here is the truth -- that Jessie is a sweet and beautiful person despite her tough nature, that James is smart, strong, and sexy, that Jessie and James are deeply, deeply in love with each other, and that Meowth, Ekans/Arbok, Koffing/Weezing, Lickitung, Victreebel, Growly, and Wobbuffet are the cutest, coolest, most kick-ass pokemon in existence! And you won't find any depressing or overly-dark fanfics here either. All of the stories that I write and stories by other authors that I've posted have positive outcomes -- none of the main characters die, nobody is raped or involved in creepy pairings, nobody sustains permanent injuries, nobody gets tortured, etc. This is a safe haven for Team Rocket (and the fans who truly love them)! And while we're on the subject, this site is also a safe haven for Gary -- another character that I like...and incidentally, another character who's terribly misunderstood, gets completely ignored on the show, gets a bum rap from the media, and gets tortured in the most gruesome ways by the so-called fans. On this site, however, Gary gets the respect he deserves...and he's friends with Jessie, James, and Meowth! It's called Katakishipping, and I support it as steadfastly as I do Rocketshipping. Which brings me to the point of this introduction. I've named my site A White Today, and a White Tomorrow because it's devoted to why Team Rocket is so wonderful and why they deserve to be happy. I got the "White Tomorrow" part from Kojiro's line of the Japanese motto, where he says that a white tomorrow is waiting for him and his friends. I interpret this line as meaning that no matter how many adversities they face, Team Rocket will never give up their dreams, and they're destined for a happy ending someday soon. I'd like nothing more than for Team Rocket to have a happy ending (as all true fans should)...but I also firmly believe that they deserve to be happy NOW! They already get more than their share of shit on the show, from the media, and in fandom. They've more than paid their dues, so it's about friggin' time they caught a break! "A White Today" means that this site is just such a place -- a place where Team Rocket is loved and honored...and where the abuse they put up with on the show is invalidated, and the abuse they receive from the media and from false fans isn't tolerated. So, if you're an anti-shipper, somebody who hates Team Rocket, or somebody who doesn't like my opinions or how I'm running my site, then I suggest you leave now. I know I've got some really strong beliefs when it comes to TR and Rocketshipping (and I certainly don't expect everybody to like that or agree with me), but I'm not forcing anybody to visit my site, and I'm not forcing my beliefs on anybody, so I think it's pointless to flame me about my views on Team Rocket and Rocketshipping, my rejection of Pokemon canon, etc. If you don't like what I'm doing, just go somewhere else and leave me alone -- it's as simple as that! (It's not like there aren't a million other Pokemon and Team Rocket sites out there, ya know. Besides, it's stupid to pick a fight with me about something like this when the world is faced with so many REAL problems.) To the curious, I cordially invite you to read on and learn of the wonder and beauty that is Team Rocket (and enjoy a pro-TR alternative to what we get on the show)! And if you love Team Rocket and Rocketshipping as much as I do (and you're as fed-up with series canon as I am), then welcome to the new world -- a world where Ash Ketchum doesn't get any more respect or victories...a world where Jessie, James, and Meowth are allowed to become the happy, successful people they deserve to be...and above all, a world where love and friendship conquer all, and Rocketshippiness flourishes!