Hearts Crying Out by Cori Falls @->->- Author's Note This WYDS is a little different from my other ones. It's actually based on a book entitled Team Rocket Blasts Off! by Tracey West. This book is a WYDS about "The Battle of the Badge," told mostly from TR's point of view. Naturally, I had to read it -- after all, it's based on a really good ep, and it shows what my favorite characters were up to when on TV, they were too busy concentrating on Team Twerp. However, even though this book was Rocket-centric, in terms of character development, it left a lot to be desired. And I mean a LOT! The author portrayed Jessie as a heartless bitch and James as dumb and whiny...and I seriously HATE it when people think that kind of crap about J & J because it just isn't true! Even though Jess is tough, she's a total sweetie, and James has more brains, strength, and integrity than almost anybody! I defy all who say otherwise! >P To make matters worse, the story was also really anti-Rocketshippy and anti-Friendshippy. The author tried to make it look like J, J & M hate each other and only stick together for self-serving reasons, and I firmly believe that this kind of characterization of Team Rocket is also dead-wrong. Jessie, James, and Meowth are the best of friends, and Jessie and James are deeply, deeply in love with each other! They stick together because they care about each other, and they're going to be together forever! Again, I defy anybody who says differently! (And worst of all, the book even had a semi-Rumishippy moment, where James considered going back home to marry Jessiebelle after his fight with Jessie. It also tried to make Jessiebelle look "not so bad," like she just wanted to make James be a "good person" and stop him from "having fun" i.e. -- being "evil." X__X Anybody who defends a psychopathic, abusive bitch like Jessiebelle and tries to justify her actions has SERIOUS problems! Jessiebelle is pure, unadulterated EVIL, and there is NO excuse for the way she acts! *kills Jessiebelle* And don't even get me started on how WRONG Rumishipping is! *shudder* "Holy Matrimony!" is the definitive proof that James hates Jessiebelle and wouldn't even think about going back to her for any amount of money! He loves Jessie, and he wouldn't even consider leaving her...especially not to marry somebody else!) In a nutshell, Team Rocket Blasts Off! is NOT "The True Team Rocket Story," as the book says it is because the characterizations are way off-base, and the storyline is completely unfair to them. It's basically, "We're Team Rocket, we're evil, we're dumb, we hate each other, we steal pokemon, and that's all there is to us!" To say this leaves me cold would be an understatement. Thus, the need for me to WYDS this WYDS. Hearts Crying Out is my attempt to remedy the terrible injustice that was done to Jessie and James in Team Rocket Blasts Off! The events of my story take place during the story written by Ms. West, (and I even use some direct quotes from the book), but my retelling focuses more on what's REALLY going through their minds while they're doing all of this "evil" stuff. Translation -- it lays bare their tormented souls and deals with their undying love for each other. That said, enjoy my story about what REALLY happened on that day....