This first page of the Library is all stories that I've written. All of my stories (except for Broken Souls, which is an alternate reality) are interconnected, forming a continuing arc that shows how Jessie & James progress from best friends to lovers to husband and wife to parents, and how their friendships with Meowth and their pokemon develop over time. Before you continue, however, there's a few things you need to be aware of. Most of my stories take place after Jessie & James become a couple and deal with the various aspects of their romantic relationship. Because of this, many of my stories have love scenes in them...some of which are rather descriptive. Personally, I see absolutely nothing "pornographic," "dirty," "immoral," "disturbing," "perverse," or "wrong" with stories that depict two consenting adults in a commited relationship based on mutual respect, trust, kindness, and affection (as is the case with J & J) sharing a physical bond of love. To me, the act of lovemaking is a beautiful and natural part of a romantic relationship, and I do my best to portray it in a positive light. However, I know that some readers do object to sexual material, and I respect that, so all stories with adult content are rated PG-13 or R and clearly marked as such. So, if you're one of those people who's offended by sex, then please don't read the PG-13 or R stories...and if you ignore the warnings, read them anyway, and are offended by what you read, then please don't flame me or complain about it. Moreover, I know that some readers may not always agree with my characterizations of Jessie & James (Jessie being "too nice" or "too emotional," James being "too aggressive," etc.) but there's a reason I write them like this. Since I don't always agree with how they're portrayed on the show, I'm pulling out all the stops to portray J, J & M as I think they are. One of the main themes in my story arc is how falling in love has made Jessie & James's characters change (i.e. -- Jessie becoming more sensitive and dealing with her problems in a less aggressive manner with her friends, James becoming more assertive and not being afraid to stand up for his friends, etc.) I know that these are just my ideas about the characters (and I've got no beef with people who have different ideas...though I defy anybody who thinks that J, J & M are evil or don't care about each other), but that's my reason for writing them the way I do. That said, please don't flame me or complain about J, J & M being "out of character" in my stories, either. I pay painstaking attention to my characterizations of J, J & M -- if something I write doesn't jive with how they are on the show, then I did it on purpose. And finally, my other main purpose in this story arc is to explore "what you didn't see" (WYDS) on the show and elaborate on the plotlines that the writers gave us. And after my timeline splits from series canon, "what you didn't see" becomes "what really happened" (WRH), which is a total rewrite of a particular episode rather than an elaboration on it. Now, without further ado, I hope you enjoy reading my stories! (I know I sure enjoy writing 'em! ^_^)