A White Today, and a White Tomorrow
Cori's Team Rocket Site
Hello, and welcome back to my site! It's got a new name, some new stuff, and a slightly different layout, but rest assured, the concept is still the same. This is still my tribute to Team Rocket -- the REAL stars (and heroes) of Pokemon -- and the undeniable truth that Jessie and James are in love!
Why did I change the name of my site? Well, I felt that it was time for a change. When I first started this site, it was nothing more than a small shrine devoted to Rocketshipping. But since then, it's grown and evolved into a site that's also about Team Rocket in general. Jessie and James's love for each other is only one facet -- now, it's also about how wonderful Jessie, James, Meowth, and their pokemon are, why they appeal to me, and why they deserve to be happy.
And that's where the name change comes in -- I love these characters so much that I wanted to make a place on the web for them that's completely 100% devoted to their happiness. Too often on the show, Team Rocket gets completely screwed-over. J, J & M can't be considered evil by any stretch of the imagination, and their characters have more inner- and outer-beauty than anybody else on Pokemon, and yet, they're invariably the ones who never get a fair shake. And the American media and merchandisers, Kids' WB, Nintendo Power magazine, and the like only make matters worse, not only by completely overlooking Team Rocket and not offering anything to the people who love them, but also by perpetuating the lies that these wonderful characters are dumb, evil, inept, etc. >P And sadly, this mistreatment of Team Rocket is even rampant among many of their so-called fans! I'm always coming across sites run by people who claim to love TR or be Rocketshippers, yet think that Jessie is a shallow, heartless bitch or a slut, that James is dumb, weak, cowardly, whiny, or even *gag* gay, that hate Meowth, that hate Jessie & James's pokemon, etc. (Some "fans!" Sheesh! X__x) And don't even get me started on how many "fanfics" I've seen where these characters die, get raped, are experimented on or tortured, etc. Sites and fics like that make me sick, and the people responsible for that shit don't deserve to call themselves Team Rocket fans! >(
Needless to say, you won't find any shit like that on MY site. Not now, not ever. The only thing you will find here is the truth -- that Jessie is a sweet and beautiful person despite her tough nature, that James is smart and strong, that Jessie and James are deeply, deeply in love with each other, and that Meowth, Ekans/Arbok, Koffing/Weezing, Lickitung, Victreebel, Growly, and Wobbuffet are the cutest, coolest, most kick-ass pokemon in existence! And you won't find any depressing or overly-dark fanfics here either. All of the fics I write and fics by other authors that I've posted have positive outcomes -- none of the main characters die, nobody is raped or involved in creepy pairings, nobody sustains permanent injuries, nobody gets experimented on, etc. I'm very much against tragedy and excessive darkness in Pokemon and Team Rocket fanfiction -- I can't seem to rant enough about how much I hate it, as you already know (or will find out soon enough!)
Okay, I'll quit rambling now and get back to the point. I've changed the name of this place to A White Today, and a White Tomorrow because it's devoted to why Team Rocket is so wonderful and why they deserve to be happy. I got the "White Tomorrow" part from Kojiro's line of the Japanese motto, where he says that a white tomorrow is waiting for him and his friends. I interpret this line as meaning that no matter how many adversities they face, Team Rocket will never give up their dreams, and they're destined for a happy ending someday soon. I'd like nothing more than for Team Rocket to have a happy ending...but I also firmly believe that they deserve to be happy NOW! They already get more than their fair share of shit on the show, from the media, and from false fans. They've more than paid their dues, so it's about friggin' time they caught a break! "A White Today" means that this site is just such a place -- a place where Team Rocket is loved, honored, and given the respect and happiness that they so richly deserve.
So, if you're an anti-shipper or somebody who hates Team Rocket, I suggest you leave now. There's nothing for you here, and I have no truck with your kind. I'm not forcing anybody to come to my site, and I'm not forcing my beliefs on anybody, so I don't wanna hear about it if somebody's got a problem with me or Team Rocket. If you don't like what I'm doing, just go somewhere else -- it's as simple as that! (Besides, it's stupid to pick a fight with me about something like this when the world is faced with so many REAL problems.) To the curious, I cordially invite you to explore and learn of the wonder and beauty that is Team Rocket! And if you love Team Rocket and Rocketshipping as much as I do, then please enjoy your visit! ^_^
I don't own Jessie, James, Meowth, or any of the other Pokemon characters (I WISH!!!), and neither does anybody else whose talents are showcased here -- they're registered trademarks of Nintendo, Game Freak, and all those other corporations, and they were created by Satoshi Tajiri. Translation: I ain't makin' any money offa dis! (It's a labor of love!)
I'd also like to give a very special thanks to my friends: Shigeru1313, Bishounen Kojiro, Mo, Hot Lips, Pokemon All, Becky, Chaos, Svetlana, Bowser Koopa, and everybody else who's contributed fanfics, artwork, pictures, information, and positive feedback. Thank you for helping to make this site what it is today! I couldn't have done it without you! *hugs*
Important Notices
Want to know what I've updated recently? Go here to see what's new!
Next up -- since I'm incredibly busy, don't have sufficient disk space, and don't really trust too many authors anymore, I'M NOT ACCEPTING FANFIC SUBMISSIONS!!!!! I used to have a fanfic submission guideline page to protect myself from dark and depressing fics, but nobody ever read my rules or followed them, and too often people sent me crap that I'd clearly stated I didn't want to read. For these reasons, I'm not reading or reviewing fanfics anymore either. So, if you've got a fanfic, please don't send it to me or ask me to read it. (I may occasionally make exceptions for my closest friends, whom I know and trust...but ONLY for them!) I've been forever scarred by fics that broke my guidelines, and the whole process was a big hassle anyway, so I'm not even gonna bother with it anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience, but that's just the way it is.
Choose Your Destination....
The Image Gallery (Under construction)
The Art Gallery (Under construction)
I Rest My Case: Conclusive Evidence that Rocketshippers are Right and Anti-shippers are Wrong! (Under construction)
The Many Faces of the Team Rocket Motto
Out of the Mouths of Rockets: Words of Wit and Wisdom from Our Heroes
The International Language of Rocketshippiness
Baka Gaigin Cori's Guide to Rudimentary Japanese
So, Who the Hell is Cori? (And Why the Hell Does Anybody Care? +P)
Music is "Rocket-dan Yo Ein Ni" by Team Rocket.