Hello, and welcome to A White Today, and a White Tomorrow! This site is my tribute to Jessie, James & Meowth -- the REAL stars (and heroes) of Pokemon! When my site first opened, it was just a small shrine devoted to Rocketshipping. But before long, it grew and evolved into a site that was not only about Rocketshipping, but Team Rocket in general as well. And now, my site has evolved again! Worry not -- it's still all about why Jessie, James, Meowth, and their pokemon are the greatest, and why Jessie & James are the best couple ever, but the focus has shifted somewhat. Because of serious constraints on my disk space and bandwidth (and because I just don't have the time to maintain a large site), I've had to streamline the content. Since a big reason I started this site was because I wanted a place to showcase my stories (and because I wanted to give Jessie, James & Meowth the recognition and respect they deserve), I've simply gone back to basics. But I didn't make this change because of technical reasons alone (though I must admit that scaling back has taken a lot of the stress out of my schedule, and the technical malfunctions have been fewer and farther between since then). I also needed to change the layout so that I can concentrate more on my writing...and I needed to do it so that I can accentuate the fact that my stories are now following a different timeline from that of the Pokemon anime. I love J, J & M, and I love writing stories about them, but I'm very disappointed in the show itself these days. The disrespect and cruelty with which J, J & M are constantly treated has been upsetting me for a long time now -- it got real old real fast back in the first season, and it just keeps getting worse with every passing season! X_x It's gotten to the point where I just can't incorporate it into my fanfics anymore -- it's starting to interfere with my ability to tell a good story and flesh out the characters in a positive, meaningful way. Thus the reason I had to shift away from canon and start doing my own thing. I'd rather pull out all the stops to portray our heroes as the loving, intelligent characters that they are, move past all of the shippy hinting and sexual tension and get down to the nitty-gritty of Jessie & James's romantic relationship, and show J, J & M coming to terms with their difficult pasts and moving forward with their lives than spend all my time explaining away and "correcting" all of the bad stuff that happens to them on the show, anyway. Needless to say, you won't find any TR-bashing or anti-Rocketshippiness here. Not now, not ever. J, J & M deserve so much better than the show, the media, and the like have ever given them, so this site is all about giving them the happiness, love, respect, and success that they so richly deserve. The only thing you'll find here is the truth -- that Jessie is a sweet and beautiful person despite her tough nature, that James is smart, strong, and sexy, that Jessie & James are deeply, deeply in love with each other, and that Meowth, Ekans/Arbok, Koffing/Weezing, Lickitung, Victreebel, Growly, and Wobbuffet are the cutest, coolest, most kick-ass pokemon in existence! And you won't find any depressing or overly-dark fanfics here either. All of the stories that I write and stories by other authors that I've posted have positive outcomes -- none of the main characters die, nobody is raped or involved in creepy pairings, nobody sustains permanent injuries, nobody is gratuitously tortured, etc. This is a safe haven for Jessie, James & Meowth (and the fans who love them)! And while we're on the subject, this site is also a safe haven for Gary -- another character that I like...and incidentally, another character who gets a bum-rap on the show. On this site, however, Gary gets the respect he deserves...and he's friends with Jessie, James & Meowth! It's called Katakishipping (a term coined by my good friend, Shigeru1313 ^_^), and I support it as steadfastly as I do Rocketshipping. Which brings me to the point of this introduction. I've named my site A White Today, and a White Tomorrow because it's devoted to why J, J & M are so wonderful and why they deserve to be happy. I got the "White Tomorrow" part from Kojiro's line of the Japanese motto, where he says that a white tomorrow is waiting for him and his friends. I interpret this line as meaning that no matter how many adversities they face, our heroes will never give up their dreams, and they're destined for a happy ending someday soon. I'd like nothing more than for J, J & M to have a happy ending on the show...but I also firmly believe that they deserve to be happy NOW! They already put up with more than their share of injustice and cruelty on the show, from the media, and even in fandom. They've more than paid their dues, so it's about friggin' time they caught a break! "A White Today" means that this site is just such a place -- a place where Jessie, James, Meowth, and their friends are loved and honored...and where the abuse they put up with on the show is invalidated, and the abuse they receive from other sources isn't tolerated. So, if you're an anti-shipper, somebody who hates Team Rocket, or somebody who doesn't like my opinions or how I'm running my site, then I suggest you leave now. I know I've got some really strong beliefs when it comes to TR and Rocketshipping (and I certainly don't expect everybody to like that or agree with me), but I'm not forcing anybody to visit my site, and I'm not forcing my beliefs on anybody or hassling those who have different ideas and opinions, so it's pointless to flame me about my views on Team Rocket and Rocketshipping, my rejection of Pokemon canon, etc. If you don't like what I'm doing, just go somewhere else, and leave me alone -- it's as simple as that! (It's not like there aren't a million other Pokemon and Team Rocket sites out there, ya know. Besides, it's stupid to pick a fight with me about something like this when the world is faced with so many REAL problems.) To the curious, I cordially invite you to read on and learn of the wonderful characters that this site is all about (and enjoy a pro-TR alternative to what we get on the show)! And if you love J, J & M and Rocketshipping as much as I do (and you're as fed-up with series canon as I am), then welcome to the new world -- a world where Ash Ketchum is shown for the loser that he is...a world where Jessie, James & Meowth are the happy, successful people that they deserve to be...and above all, a world where love and friendship conquer all, and Rocketshippiness flourishes!