As I've stated before, the magical elements in this story are based on the principles of Celtic Paganism and Witchcraft. I took a few creative liberties for the purposes of my story, but I made an effort to be respectful to the belief system and portray it in a positive light. I highly recommend Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway to anybody who's interested in the subject. Rose angel and rocket larkspur are, indeed, real species of wildflowers. I chose those flowers because the season and climate in this story are compatible with when and where they grow, and because the names are appropriate. Please note that the end of this story marks the beginning of a phasing-out period of the show's canon in my timeline. The complete split between series canon and my timeline doesn't take place til the end of Johto League Champions/beginning of Master Quest, but in the interim, my timeline gradually moves away from what happens on the show. This means that during the 13 episodes after "Control Freak!" and the 4th movie, some stuff applies in my timeline, and some of it most certainly does NOT! I've established some pretty major things in this story, so it doesn't make any sense to incorporate the shallow, out of character nonsense the writers keep giving us (like James almost getting conned by the stupid Magikarp Man in "Doin' What Comes Natu-Rally," the way J & J treated Meowth in "Got Miltank?" etc.) into my timeline. I don't think J, J & M would be easily fooled, have petty squabbles with each other, and such after what they've been through in this story (and even before this story, I found such things to be totally OOC...little more than the writers' lame way of trying to make it look like our heroes are stupid, don't get along with each other, etc.), so from now on, whenever something OOC happens on the show, it's not going to apply in my timeline. I'm sick of taking one step forward with J, J & M's characters in my stories and then being shoved two steps back by crappy scriptwriting, and then being forced to drop everything I'm doing to write a WYDS that explains it away, so I'm simply not going to bother with it anymore. From now on, the stupid, out of character stuff on the show is all NEH (my acronym for "Never Even Happened"), and my writing will focus on the REAL story of Jessie, James, and Meowth. Sorry if this upsets anybody, but the subject is NOT open for discussion or debate. This is a decision I had to make in order to improve the quality of my writing (and the quality of life for our heroes). And as always, I have to thank my good friend, Shigeru1313, for all of her technical help, inspiration (the scene where Prof. Oak comes to visit Gary was her idea ^_^), feedback, support, letting me use her characters (Gary's parents David & Clarice Oak, his great-aunt Rowena Devon, and his son Sam)...and of course, the wonderful illustrations! I'd been planning this story for about a year (ever since last summer, when I first saw a screen-shot of Jessie wearing the mask), and the discussions we've had during that time really helped me develop the idea and get the ball rolling on it once "Control Freak!" aired. Shigeru, this story is for you! *hugs*