The Snow King Deep in the snowy land of Frostica there stood a towering castle of ice. Nearly sixteen stories high, it glittered like crystal in the pale winter sunlight. Tall crystalline spires reached toward the blue-grey sky. Within this beautiful castle lived a young sorcerer of about twenty-five years. He had long white hair tinted with green that fell several inches past his broad shoulders, softly bronzed skin and a face that was handsome beyond words. He was truly breathtaking to behold. But he was just as cold as the icy castle he resided in. A wicked ice enchantress had kissed him with her cold blue lips and and frozen his heart, so that he was incapable of feeling. Her kiss had run through him like a shiver, trickling down his spine, making every part of his body tingle with its iciness. His eyes were impenetrable orbs of silvery blue that reflected the coldness in his heart. His domain was the coldest in all of Frostica, and few people dared to venture that deep into the land, for the snow was coldest and deepest where the "Snow King" lived. Those who had heard of him preferred to stay as far away as they could anyway, and avoided his lands. Each day he would go forth from his castle in the form of a beautiful white stallion with a mane that matched his own in color and silkiness. Maidens who saw him were lost, for they were lured to his irresistible beauty and could not help approaching him. The great stallion would kneel down to let them on his back and then he would whisk them off to his castle of ice. Once there, the maidens were changed into statues of ice, to laugh and play no more. The cold young man liked to look at them - ice maidens frozen forever. "They are much more beautiful this way," Lord Malachite thought as he stood on one of his balconies gazing down at them. It was a shame. Such a handsome man, yet so cold... "Gotcha!" yelled the copper-haired young maiden as she pelted her brother with a shower of snowballs, catching him off guard and causing him to drop the load of kindling he had been carrying back to their cottage. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Her high-pitched laugh echoed through the snow-blanketed valley. "Zoisite!" The blonde young man scolded her. Now his coat was soaked. But he couldn't help smiling at his mischievous sister who was now looking perfectly innocent and sweet with her arms clasped in front of her. "Oh, Jedite, you've dropped all the wood you were carrying. Hmhmhmhm." "Why don't you help me pick it up?" he asked as he bent over, his back to Zoisite. "Okay." The pretty girl lightly skipped over and was promptly hit with a big snowball. "AHHH!" It fell in pieces down the front of her dark green cloak. "Hey, no fair!" "And I suppose it was 'fair' when you attacked me missy?" "Well..." Zoisite thoughtfully stroked her soft cheek. "Come on, let's get inside," said Jedite as he brushed snow from his golden forelock. "Not me, I want to stay out and play some more," replied Zoisite. "I want to play in the forest." "First you help me carry this firewood," ordered her brother. "And change that wet cloak." Zoisite mock-pouted for a few seconds, then complied. "All right." She picked up the remaining wood and followed Jedite's footprints in the ankle deep snow to the cottage. "Okay, I'll see you later!" called Zoisite as she headed for the door, dressed in a dry cloak of pale icy blue. It had belonged to their mother, who along with their father had disappeared on a hunt two years ago when Zoisite was nineteen. Since then Zoisite and her brother had been living by themselves in their cottage near the hunting village. "Wait! Zoi," called Jedite as he emerged from his small bedroom, in fresh clothes. "What?" she asked. "Be careful, okay?" Jedite was very concerned about the well being of his sister. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I've got my dagger with me," Zoisite replied, patting one of her furry boots. Zoisite carried her father's dagger with her for safety. "I'll be home in time for dinner," Zoisite called as she ran out into the snow. The young maiden headed for the forest. It could be seen from their cottage, a thick wall of trees against the horizon. It looked so beautiful all covered with snow. Zoisite made her way through the trees, careful not to startle any of the wood creatures. She saw deer and foxes, rabbits and birds. Then her eyes met a sight they had never seen before- a huge white stallion with hair tinted pale green. His mane, tail and the fur surrounding his hoofs flowed in the breeze as he ran. "Wow, such a magnificent creature," thought Zoisite as she watched the majestic stallion galloping through the snowy woods. She hid behind the nearest thick tree. The stallion approached and suddenly stopped close to where Zoisite was hiding. Then, to the young girl's surprise, a wondrous thing happened. The beautiful horse began to change shape until there was an extremely handsome young man standing about fifteen feet from her. Zoisite gasped. The handsome man turned towards her direction, startled. But just then a noisy group of hunters could be heard. The man concealed himself behind a tree and watched as they charged right by. He laughed as he turned to walk in the opposite direction. Zoisite watched Malachite as he walked away, her heart pounding. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Zoisite was in love. "It's about time you came back...dinner has been ready for twenty minutes...Zoi?" Jedite stared at the little beauty who seemed to be in a trance as she stood in the doorway letting the cold air blow inside. He walked over to her. "Zoisite..." "Mmm?" She stared ahead dreamily. "You've got a spider in your hair..." "Wha- AHHH! Jedite get it off!" yelled Zoisite as she jumped around frantically, drawn out of her trance. "Oh! UGH!" "Just kidding." Jedite grinned sheepishly. "JEDITE! What's the big idea, scaring me like that?!" "Sorry, but you seemed a bit out of sorts...are you all right?" he asked, serious now. "I'm okay...I just kind of met someone..." The dreamy smile returned to her face. "Here, sit down," said Jedite as he escorted her to her chair at the wood table. "Tell me about it while we eat our dinner." "Well, I was just walking through the woods," began Zoisite as she picked up a spoonful of soup, "looking at the animals and I saw this big, white horse with greenish hair..." "White horse with greenish hair?" echoed Jedite. "Mmhmm...and he wasn't really a horse at all, he was a handsome man! Oh, Jedite you should have seen him! He was gorgeous!" Zoisite exclaimed. "Whoa, wait a minute. First he was a horse and then he was a man?" "That's what I said..." replied Zoisite. "That means he has to be a enchanter...Zoisite, they can be dangerous!" said Jedite. "Oh, no, Jedite, he's not dangerous..." "Zoisite if you're going to tell me that you let this strange man..." "Oh, no, no! I ...he...didn't really see me...but I saw him and I've just got to see him again!" Zoisite exclaimed. "Zoisite, you shouldn't be alone with strangers, especially..." "Oh, Jedite!" interrupted Zoisite. "Don't you want me to ever find romance?" "Of course," he replied softly. "But you need to be careful, Zoi. I don't want you to get hurt." "I will be careful," said Zoisite. "I promise." "Well, promise me that you won't go off to see him alone. He could do something terrible to you..." "Okay, okay," replied Zoisite. But secretly she vowed to find Malachite again. And secretly Jedite was still very worried. He decided to seek the advice of his friend who lived nearby. "Zoisite, do you mind if I go visit Neflite for a while?" "No, go ahead," replied Zoisite. "I will be fine." "I shouldn't be too long." Jedite stood up and picked up his cloak that had been hanging over the fireplace to dry. Putting it on, he went to their small barn, saddled his horse and trotted off. Jedite reached his destination and dismounted. He went up to that door, leaving the horse tied to the fence. After several knocks, Neflite's mother answered the door. "Oh, hello, Jedite. What a nice surprise! Sit down and have some cocoa," she said as she took his cloak. Jedite greeted her, sat down and explained why he had come over a very delicious mug of cocoa. "Neflite is upstairs in his room but I'm sure he would like to see you. If I can help you just let me know." "Thank you," said Jedite. The blonde man walked up the curving wooden staircase and knocked on the door with the carved out star decoration. "Come in." Jedite opened the door and found his friend sitting on his bed with his charts of astrology, his favorite hobby. "Jedite, hi," He got up to greet him. "How is everything? How is Zoisite?" "Well it's Zoi I need to ask you about." "What's the matter? Did you have a fight?" "No, I'm worried about her. She saw this man in the woods today and he was a shape changer or something...first he was a horse and then he became a man..." Neflite looked concerned. "What kind of horse was he?" "White. With greenish hair. Very big." "And he could change himself into a man, you say?" Neflite frowned. "Yeah, really handsome according to Zoisite. She's all taken with him. She wants to see him again." "Don't let her," said Neflite. "That sounds like the Snow King to me." "Snow King?" "He is very dangerous to young girls. I've heard that he's a young sorcerer who is very handsome and he often becomes a stallion when he leaves his castle. He takes girls to his castle and they never return...they fall under his enchantment, I believe." "Oh, no..." "You'd better warn Zoisite." "Yes...thanks so much....I'd better go now..." "No problem," said Neflite. "Just make sure she understands. Jedite rode home, thinking about what Neflite had said. If this were true, no way would he let Zoisite see her handsome stranger again. He intended to tell her right away, but when he arrived back at the cottage, he found Zoisite fast asleep in her bed beneath her soft quilts. Jedite sighed. "I guess it could wait until tomorrow," he thought, not wanting to disturb her sweet slumber. Jedite also retired and fell into an uneasy sleep. The next morning, Zoisite was up bright and early. She quietly rose from her bed and changed from her nightgown into a warm dress, cloak and a pair of boots. Then she tiptoed out of her bedroom and through the main room to the door. Zoisite was planning to sneak off and find the handsome man who had captivated her. Jedite stirred a little in his room next to hers. Hering the door close, he opened his eyes and sleepily got up. He looked out the window to see Zoisite heading off in the direction of the woods. "Oh, no!" cried Jedite and hurriedly got dressed. He took his bow and arrows and headed off to follow Zoisite. "Oh, I hope I find him," thought Zoisite as she made her way to the forest. She felt guilty about sneaking off without Jedite knowing, but she just had to find that handsome man. The Snow King was indeed out hunting and Zoisite soon spotted him. Jedite being secretly close behind her, also saw him. Zoisite went closer and closer until the magnificent horse noticed her and approached the pretty maiden. A voice seemed to be calling Zoisite, urging her forward. As she reached to touch him, Jedite panicked and drew an arrow. He shot, aiming for the great beast. "OH!" Zoisite cried as the arrow shot past, fortunately missing her but grazing the great stallion's back and drawing blood. "ARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGH!" growled Malachite as he became human again. "Who did that?!" "Zoisite! Run!" yelled Jedite as he emerged from the trees. "Jedite! What are you doing?" demanded Zoisite. "He's dangerous, Zoisite! Run away now!" "No!" shouted Zoisite. "You will pay for this," said Malachite coldly as he turned to the young man who had shot at him. "With your life." Malachite raised his arms and conjured a deadly energy, blasting it toward Jedite, who was knocked to the ground. "No, please don't hurt him! He is my brother," cried Zoisite, jumping in front of Malachite. "He tried to kill me," replied Malachite coldly, pushing the young girl aside. "For that I will destroy him." "No! Please," sobbed Zoisite, throwing herself at his feet. She continued to cry and make such a fuss that Malachite was disgusted. "Very, well, woman. Cease your disgusting crying." Malachite looked at Jedite. "I will spare your life as she wishes, but she shall come with me." "You can't have her," protested Jedite, rising to his feet. "Jedite, no, let him take me....I don't mind," said Zoisite. "I don't want him to hurt you." "But Zoisite..." "So be it," said Malachite. "Come, woman." He pulled Zoisite to him and teleported away. Jedite stared miserably at the spot where Zoisite had just been. What was he to do now? In an instant, Zoisite was standing outside a beautiful castle. She looked at it in awe as Malachite led her closer. Malachite observed the young lady walking, or rather being pulled beside him. Zoisite was indeed the fairest maiden he had ever seen. "What a fine addition she will make," he thought, thinking about his collection of ice maidens. As they drew nearer to the castle, Zoisite could make out what seemed to be statues. She noticed that they were all young girls. Suddenly she saw one that looked just like her mother! "Oh!" gasped Zoisite. "What's the matter?" asked Malachite. "That...that looks like my mother!" exclaimed Zoisite, pointing to the frozen woman that resembled her. "Really? Then perhaps I should place you next to her," said the lord of the snow. "What - what do you mean?" asked Zoisite, horrified. "You will share her fate. You will join her in my ice maiden collection," replied Malachite. "Oh! No, you can't do that!" Zoisite was shocked. "Can't I?" "Please, no! I'll do anything! I'll give you anything you want!" cried Zoisite. "Hmmph. What could you possibly give me?" sneered Malachite. Zoisite flung her arms around him desperately. "You can have my heart," she said softly. "Please spare me and let my mother go." "I have no need of your heart," replied Malachite frostily. But something emanating from the girl touched him inside and he decided not to freeze her. "But a servant will do. You will be my servant." "And my mother?" Zoisite asked hopefully. "She will stay here," Malachite said firmly, pulling Zoisite past the ice statue and to the castle door. "To ensure that you don't leave me." Zoisite was sad, but at least her life had been spared. "Maybe I can change his mind," she thought. Malachite worked the young girl very hard, giving her many chores to do. Each morning before he went out hunting he would tell Zoisite what he wanted her to do. Malachite expected all the work to be completed by the time he returned. If it was not, Zoisite would be punished. Poor Zoisite tried so hard to make Malchite love her because cold as he was, she believed that there was some goodness in him. After all, he had spared her, hadn't he? Zoisite wanted Malachite to love her so badly. She tried hard to please him, but he never seemed to notice. "At least he could give me a kind word or a gentle look," she thought. Malachite fed her, of course, and provided her with sleeping quarters and clothes. He took care of her as much as was necessary for him to do. But Malachite never smiled at Zoisite. He was rather unemotional and regarded her coolly with his cold pale blue eyes. One day, Malachite went out hunting and stayed longer than usual. It was nearly sunset and he had still not returned. "I wonder what is keeping him," thought Zoisite. She was very worried because Malachite always came back at the same time each day. Zoisite decided to go out and look for him. Putting on her cloak and boots, she ran outside into the deep snow. Zoisite found Malachite wounded in a trap not too far from his ice castle. His eyes were closed and there was blood coming from his leg. "You can be free now," a little voice whispered. "Just run away and leave him to die." Zoisite looked up and saw a little ice fairy hovering abve her. "I can't just leave him. I have to help him." "To really help him," said the ice fairy, "you have to heal him." "Heal him?" asked Zoisite. "Yes, his heart is frozen with coldness from an evil ice fairy. Perhaps your warmth can melt it." Zoisite hoped so. She used all her strength to pry open the trap, bringing a groan from Malachite. "Please be okay," she thought as she lifted his heavy body into her arms. Zoisite held him as tightly as she could to her, praying that he would be all right. She concentrated all her love on Malachite. The warmth of her emotions spread through Malachite's body and melted the cold ice surrounding his heart. Malachite opened his eyes and smiled at Zoisite for the first time. He had such a beautiful smile. Zoisite smiled back at him. And so the cold Snow King was no more. Malachite was very sorry for what he had done and asked Zoisite for her forgiveness which she gave to him. "It wasn't really your fault," said the little ice fairy. "My wicked cousin enchanted you." Malachite wanted everything to be made right. All the ice maidens were freed, including Zoisite and Jedite's mother. She told Zoisite that she had been captured by Malachite and now she was free. But unfortunately their father had not survived. "He was wounded too badly," said her mother sadly. But she was very glad to see her daughter and Zoisite was just as happy. They returned home to Jedite, who was overjoyed to see both his mother and sister home and safe. But Zoisite did not stay very long, for at last Malachite had come to love her and wanted her as a bride. Zoisite moved into the castle and was treated very lovingly by her new husband. ~ THE END ~