ZOISITE IS KIDNAPPED By Lady Zoisite (princesszoisite@hotmail.com) “It's not fair," said Jedite. "Malachite gets to have all the fun and I'm stuck here with you." "I rather resent that," said Neflite, who was on guard duty with Jedite. The four generals were taking turns in pairs being on watch at their camp. They were out on a raid and the rest of the Negaverse army was asleep under the stars. "Oh, you know what I mean," said the blonde general. "I'm sure you would much rather be doing what our great and glorious leader must be doing right now." Malachite did not always pay full attention to his job. He got distracted on duty quite often by his partner, the pretty woman Negaverse warrior. Neflite grinned. Malachite no doubt was probably making love to Zoisite, the lovely female general of their army. "You have to admit Zoisite's pretty hot," said Jedite. "Malachite is lucky to have her around." Neflite could agree about the 'hot' part, although he found the female general to be irritating in her sarcasm. He and Zoisite had a rather stormy relationship. Perhaps her feistiness could be put to better use. He could certainly think of some much better uses for it. "Why the talk about Zoisite?" asked Neflite. He would have preferred another subject for conversation. The feisty female always stirred up mixed feelings within him. Jedite was silent. "Jedite..." Neflite prompted him curiously. "Well, I," he began with hesitation. Then he became fervent. "Look, don't tell anyone, especially not Malachite, but I'm hot for her okay?!" Jedite's tone dared Neflite to say anything to taunt him. Neflite found this amusing, though he knew better than to say so. Or to let Jedite see the grin spreading across his handsome features. It was now Malachite and Zoisite's turn for watch. They were late. "Where are they?" said Neflite. "I need a rest." He was tired of standing guard. He wanted to lie down beneath the canopy of stars. Minutes went by. Then a pretty young copper haired woman lazily strolled over, stretching as she did so. Her hair had been tousled by her lover and was falling out of the usually neat ponytail. Her clothes were wrinkled. But she looked adorable. "Nice of you to show up, Zoisite," said Neflite. Zoisite yawned and stuck her tongue out at him. "And where is our head general?" "He's coming," Zoisite said, grinning to herself. "Get it, Zoi-girl? He's cumming," she thought. Jedite admired the lovely woman general. It was such a shame that her uniform covered such a beautiful female figure. He really thought she was pretty. Unfortunately, Malachite had gotten to her first. And Jedite didn't dare argue with the powerful arch general. But he could not help the thoughts rising in his mind as he imagined what she looked like under her uniform...her breasts, her nipples, her warm little... "Damn youma, always causing trouble, or I would have been here sooner," said Malachite as he walked over to them. "What happened?" asked Neflite. He figured Malachite was lying, having been rolling in his tent with Zoisite all this time. As if it weren't obvious with Zoisite's disheveled state. "Nothing I couldn't handle, of course. Now get to your tents. Zoisite and I will continue until morning," Malachite said, giving Zoisite a private meaningful glance full of innuendo that neither Neflite nor Jedite noticed. Zoisite flushed a little, and hid her face behind her hair. Malachite made her feel so sexy! "Yeah, well goodnight," said Neflite, not believing Malachite at all. Then to Zoisite, he said, "You know, you really ought to take more pride in your appearance. Malachite doesn't like slovenly hags." "Ooooh! What do you know, loser?" Zoisite replied. She looked fine, just a little messy. Jedite thought so too. He sighed. Why couldn't Zoisite have a crush on him, instead of that silly girl Titus? A couple days later, Jedite went to find Neflite. He had some good news to tell him. "Neflite?" "Hmmmm?" Neflite looked up from his chair. "Malachite is away on a mission, so why don't we have some fun with Zoisite." "I don't know..." "He won't know about it... It's our only chance, since he is away." Zoisite was rarely far from her love. It was only on Malachite's private missions that she was left behind. "Well, the little vixen will probably be missing her daily doses of sex..." He could just picture Zoisite by herself, horny as ever and hating each second of it. "Exactly." "And what will we do? Just walk in the castle and take her?" "We'll borrow her for awhile and bring her to a separate place, to be safe." "Kidnap Zoisite, eh?" Neflite smiled. It did have a certain irresistible charm. Zoisite heaved a sigh. She was all alone in Malachite's castle. Her handsome lover had left her to take care of a mission for the queen. Not fair! Malachite wouldn't be back for a few days. She was going nuts. She read romance books,looked at sexy pictures of them together, but she was not satisfied without some physical contact. She smiled looking at the pictures she had snapped when Malachite wasn't looking - Malachite laying naked in bed, Malachite in just his shorts, Malachite bathing, Malachite in the shower... "I want my Malachite," she thought. Her sexy handsome Malachite who pleased her beyond words and made her heart pound with desire. Zoisite decided to take a nice, warm, relaxing shower to soothe herself. She slipped off her green silk robe and the bra and panties that were underneath. She unbound her long coppery hair, letting it fall loose around her. Throwing a soft fluffy pink towel on top of her discarded clothes, she stepped into the marble shower that was more than roomy enough for two. Zoisite had often taken showers with her lover, helping him wash his tanned, smooth muscled body. The rushing water prevented her from hearing two uninvited guests enter the master bedroom. "She's in the shower," said Jedite. "Shall we have a look?" "She'll be angry," said Neflite. "I don't know if this is such a good idea." Maybe they could put their differences aside to have some fun, and maybe they couldn't. One never knew with Zoisite. "You can't back out now," said Jedite. "If Malachite catches us, I'm going to say this was all your doing..." "Thanks," Jedite said sarcastically. He was a bit worried about Malachite, but it was worth the risk. Zoisite's voice could be heard singing to herself. They made themselves small so she wouldn't notice and teleported into the shower room. "Wow," said Jedite, admiring a naked Zoisite under the water. Soapsuds trickled down her breasts and rear, two very pretty areas, smooth and porcelain - colored. Even Neflite had to admit she was quite lovely. "I never thought she had all that under her uniform," he said. If only she behaved more like a lady should towards him. Zoisite continued to massage herself, rinsing her private parts as the two men watched. To their surprise, she started to rub herself, deep in her womanhood, moaning a little as she did so. "Look at that. She'll be glad to see us," said Jedite. He was getting very turned on watching Zoisite play with herself, all wet with the shower water. Neflite, in spite of himself, was also getting quite hot for the little vixen in the shower. How funny that she was unaware of her captivated audience. "Ohhhh," moaned Zoisite as she fingered herself. "Mmmmm..." She fingered herself, twisting and writhing in erotic craving, wanting to feel the heaven that Malachite made her feel each night they were together. Zoisite spent a few more long minutes under the shower before she shut the water flow. She reached for her towel and opened the glass shower doors, giving her onlookers quite a stunning display of her nakedness. Then she bent over to wrap the towel around her long wet hair. "Now!" whispered Jedite. The two generals changed back to their normal size, took a heavy sack and pulled it over the unsuspecting woman. "Mmmmph!" Zoisite's muffled sounds of protest could be heard. "We'll take her to the abandoned dark tower," said Neflite. "No one will bother us there." "Hey!" thought Zoisite. "What is going on?" She thought she recognized the voice, but it couldn't be whom she thought it was...could it? Zoisite was lifted up and teleported away. Inside the dark tower, Zoisite was deposited on the cold stone floor. She was shivering, still dripping wet from her shower. And it was so dark! She couldn't see a thing! Usually she was brave but she was beginning to be frightened. She trembled as she heard the muffled sounds of her captors conversing with each other. Suddenly, arms were holding her and the sack was pulled away. Zoisite blinked her eyes, looking around. She was in some sort of dimly lit tower room. She was cold. There were two pairs of boots standing in front of her. And she was naked! She was very aware of that fact as she raised her head to see who had dared to do this... Zoisite gasped, seeing Neflite and Jedite standing over her. Jedite was staring in awe of her naked beauty, hungrily taking in her female form. Neflite smirked at her. "Hello, little minx," he said. Zoisite angrily leapt to her feet, hands on her hips. "Ooooooh!" she cried. "What is the meaning of this! How dare you..." She was silenced by a kiss. A warm deep kiss of passion from none other than Neflite. She was totally outraged! Jedite took advantage of her silenced state and cupped one of her porcelain like breasts and began to kiss it hotly. "How good she tastes!" thought Neflite. He had never imagined that his little "enemy" could feel so good. Well, maybe.. Jedite held Zoisite's soft breast firmly, now truly extremely jealous of Malachite. The arch lord general could do this to her anytime he wanted to, the lucky son of a bitch! Zoisite's nipple hardened under Jedite's tongue, becoming a hard pink little bud. Zoisite struggled, but two men were a bit much for her to deal with. Was this supposed to be some kind of joke?She didn't think it was funny! Still, she couldn't say that she didn't get any pleasure out of it. Zoisite was a rather lusty woman and she craved sex constantly. Once she had tasted it, she wanted to have it again and again. She was feeling very erotic. And she was upset because her Malachite was away! Malachite...she could pretend that it was Malachite touching her... But she knew that it wasn't him. She had to do something... "Relax," said Jedite. "I know what you want." "No..no, you don't," thought Zoisite. Or did he? Zoisite was kissed and massaged all over her body. To her dismay, she was getting very hot from it. Neflite and Jedite removed their clothes and took turns pulling her onto their laps and kissing her. Zoisite's protesting didn't do much good. She felt weaker and weaker, the fight draining out of her as her body responded to the kissing and sucking of her tender skin. Zoisite groaned. She tried not to look at their bodies, not to feel them, but her own body was a traitor to her, responding like a whore to the stimulations of her abductors. She felt a mixture of sensations, both good and bad within her. She shivered with cold and fever, trembled with fear and excitement. They were very handsome men of course. Any girl could see that. "But don't you see?" thought Zoisite. "I...I can't do this...it just isn't right for me to do this when I have Malachite loving me... even if I do think that you'd be great for sex..." Zoisite did think they were sexy but she had always avoided encouraging them. But her rare beauty sometimes was an encouragement all on its own... Zoisite no longer shivered from the wetness of her shower or the coldness of the room. She shivered and convulsed with a wanton passion. She tried to shake it off, trying to concentrate on something else... "Would you like the front or the tail?" "What?!" thought Zoisite. She went stiff with shock for a moment. She fought to regain her composure. "The front," said Jedite eying Zoisite's warm, wet womanhood. Her silky pink petals that would feel like satin. An alarm went off in Zoisite's head. "No!" It screamed. Men could kiss her, could admire her, even touch her, but no man made love to her except Malachite! She had a bond to him. He was her lifemate! That was why she forced other men away from her with her sarcasm and bitchiness, no matter if she liked them or not. She had to be true to her love! Zoisite reached out with all her emotion and tried to force them away from her. But they were much too strong! In their lust for her they were too powerful and savage! She panicked. Whimpers came from her throat, little cries of desperation. Zoisite cried out to Malachite in her mind, through the special bond that they alone shared. She cried for his help, praying that he would come and save her before it was too late. Her prayers were answered. From far away, Malachite had heard her cry for his help. He burst in, slamming open the tower door, took one look at the situation and was furious. No one made love to his precious Zoisite but him! With an angry cry, he blasted the two lower generals from his love. They fell to the floor, unconscious. "Malachite..." Zoisite gasped, trying to breathe normally. "My hero," she added telepathically. Malachite strode over and tenderly picked up his lover in his arms, wrapping his cape around her nakedness. "Are you hurt?" he asked tenderly. Zoisite looked up into those silver-blue eyes that loved her so very much. She shook her head. "I'm okay, now that you're here," she assured her lover. She grinned sheepishly. "I'm a little manhandled, though." Malachite took her sweet mouth in a tender kiss."Let's get you home," he said. "And I will take care of your body," added Malachite, taking in Zoisite's lovely nude breasts and womanhood. Zoisite sighed with pleasure as her handsome, strong Malachite carried her off in the safety of his arms. She knew that he was the one for her, now and always.